Today we had an invite to Sheri’s princess’ 1st birthday party and I had offered my ‘skills’ to make the birthday cake. I know, I know, I bukannya ada skills pun nak decorate cakes ni but setakat for family and friends bolehlah I nak mengofferkan diri sebab dah gerenti tak kena gelak punya, hehehe… (Right Sheri :-)). And bila lagi kan nak main2 dengan icing ni kalau tak for birthdays. Kalau I buat cakes saje2 and decorate them with icing, takde sapelah yang nak makan and sure nya akan masuk Cik Tong. Either that or badan I yang akan jadi macam Cik Tong, hahaha…..
So, since I know Sheri loves pink so I buatlah pink cake for her princess. We had so much fun at the party. Makan, makan and more makan and borak, borak and more borak. Sedap betul roti jala and kari ayam and karipap Mak Sheri buat :-). Dah tak larat makan and borak, baru lah we all balik but sebelum balik tu detour sekejap pergi city to send Salina n Hubby home. Sampai kat city, sempat lagi tu singgah Queen’s Gardens to hirup angin petang and to let The Little Misses run around.
Layan aje lah ye some photos from today.

Inilah rupa the Pink Cake decorated by me :-). So, sesape nak tempah lepas ni boleh lah ye call I, wakakakakaka…….

The Little Misses at the Gardens ber posing ayu.

The really gorgeous red, brown, orange and ochre plants. I have no idea what they are called.

Hey, the black swans and the cygnets are following me everywhere!

The Little Misses were so happy to see this humongous tree at the Gardens because it reminded them of the Faraway Tree in The Enchanted Woods books by Enid Blyton. And obviously bila dah jumpa a big tree like this, they had to try and climb it. You can see how big the tree is because The Other Half looked so tiny against it, hehehehe…..

Hmmm, what am I waiting for again sitting on this tree?

12 Responses to “”

  1. Lynna Says:

    hi LG….schweeeetttnyer Ms.10 pakai skirt tuh πŸ˜‰

  2. lemongrass Says:

    Sekali sekala dia pakai skirt memang nampak sweet sgt2 and nmpk dah besar pulaknya πŸ™‚

  3. masz_73 Says:

    Waaaa… Lg pon dah nk jadi tokey besday kek….. lawa wooo.. itu baru main2 jer tu.. kalo betul2 sure bole bukak kedai kek kat sanun…

    Hmmm… anak dara tu tengah tunggu si putera datang melamar ker… ayu gitu…. πŸ™‚

  4. lemongrass Says:

    wahahaha…tak kuasa rasanya nak jadi tokey kek. Tadi tu pun sikitnya lama ke nak menghias sbb terketar2 n lamabt aje buat keje, hehehe. Klu anak2 I 10 orang and asik kena buat bday kek aje, baru lah tak terketar2 agaknya! πŸ˜›

  5. katak_78 Says:

    Wahh..she looks so gorges with her new hair cut!! Like a fairy tale ..a pcute lil princess, sitting on the tree waiting for a handsome prince to safe her..hahahaha….

  6. Ms Red Hat Says:

    Mynn dearie,

    We couldn’t find any fault with the birthday cake – sweet and lovely for littly Ayra and i’m very sure that Sheri agrees with this too.

    It’s so nice catching up with all of you and i think ‘the men and the kids’ had the most fun playing soccer at Sheri’s alfresco.

    Hopefully come spring we could organise a family picnic at the Queens Garden. Rasannya Sheri tak pernah sampai lagi kat situ. Alya ni memang ayu and Zara pulak stunning with her gorgeous locks. anak you sarung guni pun still nampak cantiklah – tak sabar nak tengok diaorang pakai baju raju raya di pagi raya.

  7. my little family Says:

    cantiknya view kat situ..suke tgk..hehe (err..swans tu tak kejar org mcm yg kat M’sia ekk? hehe)

  8. my little family Says:

    LG, nk tempah kek kaler pink gak on 28/4 ni yea..kekekeke

  9. ain Says:

    cantiknya view tu! mesti tenang kepala yg berserabut kan.

    p/s..pandai pulak si miss 10 panjat pokok.

  10. lemongrass Says:

    Katak Ayu,
    She loves her new hair style sbb tak berserabut, hehehe. Sape lah Prince Charming yg bertuah tu ye? ;-).

    Salina Dearest,
    It was nice just having that walk semlm kan. The Gardens was just gorgeous! I pun tak sabar nak tengok the kids esp Alya in that peach kebaya, she really looks so sweet in it kan :-).

    Mama Anis,
    Kalau we all dekat sgt2 dgn swans tu, mau lah agaknya kena patuk,hehehe.. Wakakaka, you nak tempah kek kaler pink? πŸ˜›

    Kak Ain,
    mmng cantik Gardens tu, so serene and beautiful. Dia tak pandai nak panjat, Daddy dia yg tolong angkat dia naik atas tu πŸ™‚

  11. Aida Narina Says:

    It is such a lovely pink cake. Boleh ajar i cara to make the icing? Really2 need a guide to make a proper icing πŸ™‚

  12. lemongrass Says:

    I guna recipe on this site:
    The recipe guna butter n shortening which for me tak muak sgt and tak manis sgt.The pink kaler tu I just used a little bit of red colouring so tu jadi pale pink :-).

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