>I’m in love with a box!


Miss 11’s finished her first part of the test today. They had English Convention and Writing papers. Esok is the Reading paper and the 2 Math papers on Thursday. NAPLAN ni baru tahun ni the government do it nationwide and standardised. Sebelum ni, Miss 11 dah pernah sat similar test in Year 3 and Year 5 but I think each state has their own special test tak silap. Dah standardised sekarang ni dah better lah kan. At least we can find out how our kid fares compares to the other kids in the whole of Australia :-). Next year will be Miss 6’s turn pulak with the test, hehehe…

Since The Other Half dah terbang ke Darwin, I pun masak lah lauk melayu yang dah laaaaamaaaaaa sangat2 I tak makan. Ikan masak asam pedas! The Other Half tak suka ikan masak gulai or asam or kari ni. He only likes fish western style or deep fried dengan kunyit and garam, hehehe. Masa balik M’sia hari tu pun I lupa nak makan benda ni. Tadi I beli ikan mackerel steak semata2 nak masak asam pedas ni!

I guna resipi Jun tapi I ambik kat MyResipi. Ini link dia kalau ada yang termeleleh air liur tengok asam pedas I ni, hahahaha. Nampak macam ayam aje kan, hehehe….

Ini lah my asam pedas (ambik gambar dalam buah hati baru I, Mr. Light Box, muahahahaha). I sungguh lah sudah jatuh hati dengan Mr. Light Box itu!!!!!!! Kalau boleh, segala benda I nak letak dalam box itu (including Miss 6 and Miss 11, muahahahaha). Kalau letak I dalam tu, you rasa makin nampak cerah and flawless tak kulit I ini? wakakakakaka…….


Gambar jauh…


Gambar dekat…..

I letak cardboard as the background in the light box, so tu yang boleh tukar2 kaler ikut mood I. Tapi I cuma ada cardboard kaler light blue, light green, mustard yellow and white aje (so far 🙂). Bila I dah bosan dengan all these colours, I can buy new cardboards! :-D.

Sebab most of my plates and bowls semua putih aje, I think background kaler lain2 baru lah nampak lagi berseri kot? Either I tukar the cardboard or beli pinggan mangkuk baru yang berbagai kaler. Which one is more fun you think? (I know which one will be more fun for me! hehehehe).

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